Instructor Gadget is Always on Duty!

Welcome! Instructor Gadget is a place where two teachers offer their favorite tools, ‘eh-hem, gadgets, to help solve the mysteries of teaching. The wordplay in Instructor Gadget is an obvious shout-out to the cartoon detective, Inspector Gadget. Although clumsy and clueless, the Inspector has a tool for every problem he encounters! Instructor Gadget equips teachers with tools to become more effective educators. A continual work-in-progress, Instructor Gadget contains proven ideas and suggestions that make teaching more manageable and fun.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

When Journal Prompts Just Aren't Enough

To me, it feels like teaching writing is one of the most difficult things I do.  I remember we had an evening seminar during our studies on how to teach writing and our mentor teacher said, "Write about Spring!" as a writing prompt.  This was to show us that when we give prompts like that, sometimes it's just really hard to be creative.  Imagine how an elementary student must feel.  I always tell my class that somedays journal prompts flow easily and somedays they don't.  If they never do, there's a problem.  But, for the most part, journal writing is a nice way for us to begin the day.

However, eventually, journal writing can become...shall we say...stale?  I know when I'm looking through my daily journal prompts that if I don't want to write about it, neither will my students.  Plus, I never want writing to become a chore - especially this particular kind of free-verse, just for fun writing that helps us get our brains working in the morning.

My mentor teacher introduced me to something called Write Abouts - Silly Starters.

They look something like this:

You get the drill.  You have your choice of plot, setting and character - there are endless combinations.  My students LOVE Silly Starters and Story Starters.  It's a nice way to swap out journal writing with some creative thinking and provides students with a chance to use their imaginations without any fear.

Try it.  You'll thank us later. 

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