Instructor Gadget is Always on Duty!

Welcome! Instructor Gadget is a place where two teachers offer their favorite tools, ‘eh-hem, gadgets, to help solve the mysteries of teaching. The wordplay in Instructor Gadget is an obvious shout-out to the cartoon detective, Inspector Gadget. Although clumsy and clueless, the Inspector has a tool for every problem he encounters! Instructor Gadget equips teachers with tools to become more effective educators. A continual work-in-progress, Instructor Gadget contains proven ideas and suggestions that make teaching more manageable and fun.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Modifications That Promote Successful Learning

All students can learn.  Some students, however, require modifications in order to be successful learners.  As teachers, we need to figure out how to adapt our classroom practices in ways that help all children feel successful.  Last spring, Dr. Nielsen, our Special Needs professor, brought us to Parents Reaching Out (PRO), a non-profit organization that coordinates with families, caregivers, educators, and state and community agencies to promote a variety of positive experiences for families and children throughout New Mexico.  While visiting PRO, we were given a number of resources, including a booklet called Tips for Student Success.  Included in this booklet is a long list of modifications that promote successful learning in the classroom.  Listed below are a handful of the modifications from that list.  Take a look.  Maybe there’s something you’ll find useful for one or more of the students in your classroom.
Modifications that Promote Successful Learning
Test modifications
Extended time
Oral responses
Take test in another room at the school
Test read to student with oral response
Answer list for fill in the blanks
Answers dictated on essay tests
Provide a study guide

Grading Modifications
No penalty for spelling errors
No penalty for handwriting (use cursive, printing, or computer)
Extended time for major assignments
Reduced learning load (set number of key facts for each unit or chapter)

Classroom modifications
Preferred seating
Provide copy of teacher’s notes or another student’s notes
Tape record class lectures
Allow oral reports instead of written
Color code or underline important concepts
Students repeats directions to check for understanding
Provide student with alternative reading on a topic at an easier reading level

Homework modifications
Allow student to dictate answers to parents.  Parents write dictated work.
Allow student to type homework or use computer
Allow the student to write the word in the blank rather than write the entire sentence
Make sure the student has the assignment in writing

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